The Trash Truck is Coming....(Version-2)

It was mid May when my mom had enough of diapering me. She had woke up around 6:30 and around 7:00 am, She came into ny room to change my diapers as she did every single morning since I was born. Today.....something had changed. Mom had a scowel on her face telling me she was wrestling with something tough! 

Mandy: Morning child.....time to get up. Time to change your diaper. Ya....know? I thought that.....when you turned 3, the days of diapers was over. Now you are.....49 and a half and you still live at home, you are still in diapers and occasionally, still drink from a bottle! 
Well! I....have....had....enough. I have....called and called around to every.....possible place that could have taken you ....they either have no room or they don't take diapered people. So ....out of frustration, I tried to call group home and when I dialed, I got a landfill! 
I jokingly asked the lady at the other end of the phone, " take diapered 49 year olds?" 
The lady on the other end was silent for a few seconds and I heard her talking to someone...she cane back on and said "Uh....yes....we do just.....put him and his diapers and anything you don't want anymore out on the curb inside the provided can or one of your own, and the trash truck will bring it to us." Now.....I was shocked at first....then I replied; ", thanks." and I hung up the phone. That....was yesterday and know what today is? 

Adam: No? What day is it? 

Mandy: It's....Trash day! Today, the BIG, RED stinky trash truck comes and takes all....of the stinky trash away.... Today, you, your.... Clean and dirty diapers, your onesie bodysuits, your two-piece printed pajamas, your footed pajamas and all of those....printed plastic pants are ALL going out to the curb to wait for the nice trash men to take you. O...K ..first...let's get your...diaper changed one last would you like to wear for your last diaper? There are The NorthShore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diaper in blue, there is modified Comforts size six, 

there are your....cloth pre-fold diapers, and we have some Attends Overnight diapers. 

I would suggest wearing your cloth diapers underneath the disposable diaper you choose. 

Adam: Um.....I thick diapers mom. 

Mandy: O...K ...then Attends Overnight diaper it is. Now.....I am going to put at least four thick booster pads inside and tjen four layered toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers on top of them,  so that you will be comfy until they take you. 

Adam: But, but, but Mommy! Don't throw me away! I promise! I....I will try harder to....get out of diapers! 

Mandy: Sorry kiddo, too late! The trash truck is coming soon and we don't want to miss it. 
You get to meet Bryce and his co-worker who films the trash in the hopper being crushed. 

Mandy: Now.....lay down for mommy's get you......ALL....nice and ready for disposal. 
Mandy unfastens the tapes of the Attends Overnight diaper and pulls the front down flat. She then lifts Adam's butt up some so she can get the back half of the diaper out from under Adam. While folding the diaper in half and then laying it onto his chest while she grabs the  thick, Attends Premier Overnight diaper

 and opens it, adds six booster pads with adheasive strips to hold them in place. She then grabs four of Adam's toddler sized pre-fold cloth diapers and then adds them to the already thick disposable diaper in layers. She then lifts Adam's butt up and slides the back half of the diaper underneath Adam. 
Mandy: (shaking a lot of baby powder onto Adam's pelvis and crotch) comes.....some nice, soft, comfyness. These diapers will be the last....ones you wear. (Pulling the front of the thick diaper up and fastening the tapes.) There....ALL...dry...and comfy now. I have a lot of your....cloth pre-fold diapers in that...big toter over there....

I have also filled up the...other toter with your wet diapers. Now....some of your disposable diapers still have your comfy cloth diapers in them because instead of doing laundry, it was...just eaier to....throw them away. 

Adam: You mean have been throwing ..ny ..cloth diapers away mom? 

Mandy: Yes baby, you....have SO many. I thought that .. we would wittle down your large amount you have. I bought you all of those diapers....over the's time to....get rid of them. You are lucky, you....get to join them! Bryce and his cool co-worker, Robert will soon be here. I...want everything put out by the curb that is yours then I want you to be either laying down across one of your toters and if there isn't room, then you and I will stand and wait until the truck comes. 

Mandy helps Adam up and off the changing table taking his diaper form his chest in one hand. Then once he is standing, she hands his diaper to him. 

Mandy: Here....carry your....diaper outside to the curb while I push these toters out to the curb. MAAN! You....sure had a LOT of diapers, onesie bodysuits, t-shirts and cloth diapers and plastic pants boy! OH! Here....Let me get your....two laundry baskets full of cloth diapers, Your printed two-piece pajamas, and your wet Cloth Diapers that I never had time to wash. 

As Mandy gets the toter & the two laundry baskets through the door and down the step, she wheels the first toter to the curb then has Adam follow her to get the second toter. 
As she pushes the second toter full of Adam's wet, unrolled, modified Comforts brand diapers in size six, and his Attends Overnight Diapers in Large as well as the booster pads inside those,  through the front door and then down the step and down the walkway to the curb, a few diapers fall out onto the green, lush grass. 

Mandy Shoot! Eh, I will go back and pick those up! 
Mandy puts the toter into position next to the first green one. 
Mandy: (flipping the toter lid open) OH AAADAM.....come....heeeeeere sweetie.....
Adam walks over to Mandy not wearing any shoes, socks, just diapers. 
Adam: Yes....Mom? 
Mandy: Hon, time for you to go into the nice.....trash can now.....let mommy help you into it.....O....K? The.....trash truck already did one side of our street, soon, it will come to OUR side. will belong to the nice trash men, Robbie and Bryce or Rudy, whoever is working. 

Mandy picks Adam up and sits him down inside the toter. 

Mandy: Now...lay down and try to....get as comfy as you can.....OK? There....good boy! 
OK, now I have to....close the lid some.....

Mandy flipped the lid closed as much as it would with Adam's legs dangling over the right side. Then Mandy ran back inside the house and got Adam's last bag of his wet cloth diapers at the bottom and his wet and unrolled, disposable Attends Premier Overnight diapers with more layered wet cloth diapers inside each diaper. Then, she grabbed his two fully stocked diaper bags, the one that had his adult cloth diapers and the toddler sized cloth diapers used as booster pads and two extra pairs of his plastic pants, and two clean onesies, a travel sized bottle of baby powder, two packs of wipes. 
The second diaper bag had the same things, except for no plastic pants or cloth diapers, it had four changes of disposable diapers in it, two Northshore Care Supply Supreme overnight diapers, three booster pads, two Attends Overnight diapers and two booster pads. 
Mandy slung the bags over her right shoulder than ran back out to the curb to wait for the trash truck with her son. 
Mandy tossed the trash bag into the second toter on top of Adam inside as she held the lid open. 
Mandy: Hey....sweetie? these for me? (Tosses the bag in) 

Then Mandy drags the 32 gallon rubbermaid can out to the curb and puts it next to the two bigger toters. 

Then, Mandy takes the grey Brute 32 gallon can outside to the curb full of my various brands of wet disposable diapers with my cloth diapers still inside. Then Mandy brings my adult stroller 
(Like this one)

outside and sets it out next to the cans and the toters. 
Once mommy Mandy was done getting all of the stuff she was throwing away, out to the curb, she went inside the house, grabbed four packs of ny leftover diapers 

And my two diaper bags. She stood out by the curb for over 30 minutes as they waited for the big, white McNelius rear-loader trash truck to come. Mandy could hear the truck down the street. The air brakes making a loud sound. Then as the truck got closer, Mandy saw the guys dump Mandy's friend's trash, who also has an older boy around 8 in diapers still and who uses a LOT of diapers and a toddler boy in diapers. 
Mandy's neighbors all had babies and toddlers in diapers too. Each house had two toters, one just for diapers. 

Mandy:  Adam......"The Trash Truck is coming..." It's coming for you and your...diapers....Geeeet Reeeeady honey! 

Adam:  (kicking his legs so they swayed against the side of the toter) Mooooomy!!! Moooooomy! Don't throw me away! Please! I....will be a good boy! 

Mandy: (Tapping the lid of the grey toter) Mommy is sorry hon, but.....I can't deal with all of your....diapers and having to constantly buy more and more diapers each month! It's straining my income! The....trash men already agreed to take you. See? They are at our neighbor's house, probably dumping all of THEIR boy's diapers into the truck. They are coming here.....NEXT! 
As the two trash men rode to where Mandy was standing and Adam was laying inside and across the second toter, wating for the truck to arrive, Robbie looks and then turns to Rudy and says; 

Robbie: BIG....diaper load coming in! 

Rudy: YOU....aren't kidding! 

Adam: Mooooomy! out please! Pretty please? 

Mandy: The....trash truck will be here VERY soon hon.....I want you all nice and ready for the nice trash men Robbie and either Bryce or Rudy.....
The white McNeilius trash truck appears as it turns the corner and then it stops at the neighbor's house just before theirs. 

Today, Robbie tossed in several bags full of toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers, several bags full of Pampers, LUVS, Huggies diapers, and some Adult Baby diapers. Then The compactor started and crushed the bags of diapers up and into the container.

 Then the truck pulled up to where Mandy and Adam were. 
As the big, white McNeilius trash truck rolls up to the row of cans and the toters as well as the stack of Adam's leftover packs of his diapers, a bunch of old undershirts and onesie bodysuits thrown on top of the cloth diapers and disposable diapers with Adam laying across the second toter,  and his special needs stroller is leaning against the second toter, two of the full laundry Baskets of diapers, onesies, undershirts are on top of the second toter, Robbie goes over to the second can while Rudy goes over to the first toter full of cloth pre-fold diapers. Adam was loaded into the second toter  wearing just the thick, Attends Premier Overnight diaper on. 
Mandy was standing behind the second toter as both Robbie and Rudy jumped down to come take the trash and diapers. 
Robbie sees two legs dangling from the second toter. 

Adam: (Mumbling from underneath the large white Trash bag full of his own cloth and disposable diapers) Hey! Hey! Doooon't! I.....I....don't...wanna go in there! It stinks in there! 

Robbie: (Flipping the lid open)  Hi there........Tough! You're goin for a ride with us.....(hooking the toter up to the tipper) Time to dump ya......UP, UP .....and A....WAY! 

Adam: Whhhhoooooah! Ooooof! Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle! (Adam was thrown onto a bunch of the white bags of diapers from the house next door as his own loose, wet, unrolled diapers crashed down around him, quite a few landing over his face with the wet inner liner facing his facial skin.) 

Then both of Adam's Laundry baskets were tossed in, having all of the onesies, pajamas and cloth diapers and plastic pants flung in all over his chest and diapered waist. Now a bunch of the cloth diapers draped around his waist and chest.....and fell around his sides on top of and next to his wet and unrolled disposable diapers. 

Mandy: (coming close to the hopper) Bye-Bye son......

Adam: Moooooooomy!!!!! Don't let them take me!!!!! 

Robbie and Rudy both grab the next two 32 gallon cans and dump their contents into the hopper. Robbie dumps Adam's right side next to him, spreading the load out along his side in the hopper while Rudy dumped the other can all over Adam's lap, legs and feet.

Robbie: Hey Bryce, Run the packer.....

Bryce: O.....K......(Bryce grabs the handle of the switch and pulls it. The packer blade pops open suddenly and begins to come down. Just before Bryce hits the second switch, Robbie tosses in my diaper bags.) 

Adam: HEY!!! STOOOOP! Noooooo! Oooooooof! My.....diaper bags! Noooooo! 

Robbie: Yesss Sir! 

Then the second half of the compactor cycle starts. As the blade suddenly comes towards Adam, he gets pulled up against his diapers, the bags of the neighbor's diapers and trash. Adam's diaper begins ro get squished against his butt as his cloth diapers get scrunched, bunch up into a wad that presses against his back, his butt and shoulders. 

Robbie grabbed the stroller and tossed it in on top of Adam. Then Rudy pit the empty can back and then grabbed the four packs of Adam's Attends Premier Overnight diapers, and the five packs of his booster pads, then tossed them all into the hopper, all of them tumbling into the hopper, some landing on top of Adam's chest and most of them landing to Adam's Right side, the side facing outside. 
Robbie tossed in the four packs of Adam's Northshore Care Supply diapers, tossing them all as far back into the hopper as he could. 

Robbie: OK.....shhhhhhh! Mommy doesn't have you one of the diapers from inside the hopper and tossing it onto Adam's chest) Hey Rudy, Look! He...has two...diaper bags! (Tosses them into the hopper next to Adam who is now laying on his back with the top of his head facing the left hopper wall and his feet nearly touching the right hopper wall) 

Adam: Um.....Mister? 

Robbie: Yes? 

Adam: When gonna crush my....diapers and I? 
The trick was rolling down to the next stop, some six houses down from where Adam had been dumped in. Robbie and Rudy rode along until they got to the stop. 

Robbie: (jumping down to grab the next toter full of trash and diapers) 
We....shall see.....after this....(tossing in a bunch of bags, a lot of them containing more and nore diapers) 

By this time, the hopper was getting quite full. The truck then drove to the next stop, which had a dumpster. It was time to run the packer once the truck stopped. 
As the truck drove, Adam, all of his diapers, onesies, pajamas, undershirts, cloth diapers, plastic pants, diaper bags and the rest of the diapers and trash bounced and shimmied as the truck traversed bumps, railroad tracks, ruts and potholes. Adam, underneath all of the trash began to squirm........trying to get comfortable. Adam felt the truck slow down and turn right then it swung left then stopped, then the truck began to back up before the sound of airbrakes was heard. That......was the last thing Adam heard.....for a time because Rudy started the compactor cycle! 
Suddenly, everything began to get pushed outwards towards the outter edge of the hopper! The packer blade popped out then it began to decend. It paused for a second before it came down on a couple of the bags and other trash as it began to swing inwards! Adam's diapers suddenly began to crush up against him as he was forced to roll to his left, as his diapered butt was crushed against his butt as he and his body was mashed against the diapers and a big, overstuffed white bag full of wet and messy adult baby diapers beneath him. The bag burst as the wet, slimy diapers below him burst, and the wet slimy gels went into his hair, down his back and down into the bunched up, buckling waistband of his diaper as the packer cycle pulled and pushed him, and everything that had been in the hopper, up into the container. 
Adam was still alive.....just not as easily able to breathe! Short, little breaths is all he could manage to do! Then, relief for a few seconds as the packer blade rose then popped out. As Adam and a lot of his diapers fell back into the hopper, He caught a glimpse of Robbie staring into the hopper, watching to see what Adam and his diaper looked like and if he had burst yet! 

Robbie: (to Rudy) Ole diapy boy got his diapy all squished! It looks like it may have burst! 

Rudy: Really? I would like to see that! 

Robbie: When you pack the next load, he will drop back down again and maybe you will see what he and his diaper looks like. the truck goes along the route, Adam is barely able to breathe under the pressure and having his face prwssed hard into the plastics of the bags in front of him. The bags have burst and some of the contents are hanging out from the rips and tears. Adam has a lot of his own diapers pressed into his face as well, with each new packer cycle, he and the trash and diapers fall down into the hopper again and again for the next five or six cycles until he and the trash and diapers are now far enough inside that he no longer falls out. Soon, blood trickles down the smooth, metal of the up-slope in the hopper, joining the puddle of leachate. 


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