The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued 6)

Daniel and Jeff began their afternoon route.

 The lodal Evo side loader was empty and ready to receive all of the diapers and diapered trash. 🗑 Daniel drives the empty diaper collection lodal Evo to the next stop,

a large daycare for unwanted diapered people. There were always a row of six over-filled toters and at least 4 diapered trash waiting in the toters.
The janitorial ladies usually brought out between 2 and 4 more diapered trash for disposal collection. Upon arrival, Daniel Newell jumps out of the cab and goes over to the first over-filled toters with one of the diapered trash in it. He quickly rolled the toter over to the side of the truck, hooked the toter to the tote-tipper then he flipped the lid open right before activating the tote-tipper. As the load of diapers and the diapered girl fall into the hopper, the diapered girl gets up to her knees to peer over the side, though just in time to get a face-full of more diapers as Daniel empties another toter. Once the diapered girl got back up to her knees at the edge of the hopper so she could get Daniel's attention;

Diapered Girl: Hey......mister? Is my......diaper squishy enough? 

Daniel: (Reaching over to the girl's diaper to give it some poking and patting) Yep! Now......get ready.........I gotta run a few cycles of the packer. 

Daniel reaches over to push the button with his closed fist on the side of the hopper. He gives the button a punch and suddenly the compactor blade begins to advance. As the blade advances, the diapered girl's grip on the the side of the hopper is lost.

Thickly Diapered girl: NO!!!! Stop....It!!!!!! My.............comfy diaper! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!!!!

Daniel Newell stood there....watching as the girl and the diapers got squished together as they were forcefully shoved into the packer container against the rest of the diapers. Then Jeff and Daniel finished emptying the last toters, the cleaning ladies then brought out 3 more diapered trash that were dressed in only their disposable diapers. The first one, a girl with pink ribbons in her two pigtails, wearing a thick, puffy and bulky Pampers Ultra diaper (with the blue waistband) 

was whining and resisting......trying to get the cleaning lady to let go of her hand. 

Diapered Girl with Pigtails: Miss? Miss? Let...GO! Let...GO...of me! Where me????? 

Daniel Newell: (Putting the last toter back) A.....few more? 

Cleaning Lady: time for the diaper-trash truck. 

Daniel: Ok.....load the girl......then....I will empty the bags you brought out and then I will run a packer cycle. Then.....when the cycle is done, you can load the boy......

Cleaning Lady: Sounds good. I.....don't like dealing with these diapered trash! They......stink.....their diapers are....wet......and we have too many of them......weekly. 

Daniel: I.....completely......understand. We offer our services because there is such a need for it. We take your unwanted diapers and diapered trash and we send it all to places that convert it all into useful electricity. We don't mind taking all of your.....unwanted diapered trash. (Helping to lift the diapered girl into the hopper) Hi there.....ready to go into my hopper? 

Diapered Girl: No! I....don't WANNA! 

Daniel Newell: Tough!!! You're going in any way! (Tossing the diapered girl into the hopper) 

Diapered Girl: UH! (Landing on her knees in the hopper on top of a few loose diapers on the smooth hopper floor) out please mister......

Daniel Newell: No! You're staying in there! You.....are.....trash and belong company until we get you to the Waste-To-Energy plant. 

Diapered Girl: Wait! What.....will happen when you take me you said? 

Daniel Newell: (about to hit the packer button) You.....will get to dry out and get rotten a bit before they decide to......load you into their super hot boiler furnace.'s...packer time! (Hitting the compactor activation button

before tossing in a couple of bags of heavy diapers into the hopper, one of the bags hitting the diapered girl in her right shoulder, knocking her over onto her right side.) 

Daniel then walks over to the last full toter of diapers and brings it over to the side of the Lodal Evo semi-automated side loader and hooks the toter up to the tote-tipper as he flips the lid open. Then as he activates the tote-tipper, the toter load begins to rise and tip over in a fast motion causing all of the loose diapers and the bags of diapers as well as the boxes and leftover opened packages of diapers to fall out into the hopper and some flying out and landing on the moving compactor blade. 

Diapered Girl: Noooooooooo!!!! Uh! Stop! Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh

The compactor blade shoved the diapers and the diapered girl into the packer container against the diapers already inside and the diapered boy. Then Daniel and Jeff got into the cab and drove to the next stop. During the 20 minute drive to the second daycare that was in an old strip-mall, Daniel had the compactor running in continuous cycles even though the packer container wasn't that full yet. As Daniel pulls the truck up to the line of six full toters, both Jeff and Daniel noticed the cleaning ladies waiting with four diapered trash near the last toters. 
Daniel and Jeff jump out of the cab of the Lodal Evo Newell Diaper Disposal truck and Daniel goes over to the first toter and then rolls it over to the side of the truck and then hooks it to the tote-tipper and then flips the lid open as the toter begins to rise and then tips over. 
As the loads of bagged and loose diapers, pull-ups, wipes, old stained up and torn onesie bodysuits, opened left-over packs of clean diapers, boxes of old Wing-Fold disposable diapers 
as well as six fully stocked diaper bags, fall into the hopper and settle, Daniel bangs the toter then lowers it before rolling the newly empty toter back into it's place. Then Daniel walks over to the cleaning lady with the four diapered trash waiting with her and begins taking the first one.....a thickly and saggy diapered girl with pigtails wearing a thick Luvs Baby Pants diaper with a wing-fold diaper on over it. 

Daniel Newell: Hey......Alex.......Is this all you have for us? 

Alex (The Cleaning Lady): Yep. All we have for this load.....we will have about the same or a few more for the second time this week. 

Daniel Newell: I'll Be looking for them. Come......little diapered trash......wanna see the.....inside of my nice diaper collection truck where the diapers go? It's.....time for your.....disposal.......(lifting the thickly and saggy diapered girl with pigtails up and putting her into the hopper on her knees.) 

Daniel Newell: (Grunting a little bit) O.......K.......IN......ya go. 

Diapered Girl In Pigtails: Why am I being put in here with all of these.....wet and stinky diapers????

Daniel Newell: are trash. We are here to take you and the diapers to the nice Waste-To-Energy plant so you and the stinky diapers will generate some electricity. 

Daniel goes over to the third full toter while Jeff dumps the second toter's contents into the hopper. 
Large, heavy, bulky black and white trash bags tumble out and fall into the hopper, landing against the thickly diapered girl with pigtails. Then as the loose, folded-over wet diapers and the rolled up messy diapers tumbled, rolled and fell into the hopper, settling into the girl's lap as she lay on her back now, on the floor of the hopper in top of other loose diapers, pull-ups and used wipes. Then Jeff puts the now empty toter back while Daniel empties and bangs the third full toter, spilling out large, heavy, black and white trash bags full of wet and messy diapers and pull-ups, as well as opened packages of leftover disposable diapers. 
The loads fall all over the diapered girl mostly covering her upper body nearest to the compactor blade, with the loose, wet, folded-over pull-ups & disposable diapers. 
The leftover opened packages of clean diapers fell next to the thickly diapered girl before more large, heavy black trash bags pumbled her body. Then Daniel goes over to the waiting diapered boy; 

Daniel Newell: OK's trash time! IN.... Ya .....GO! 

Then Jeff empties the fifth toter into the hopper spilling all of the loose diapers into the hopper on top of the boy whom tried to sit up when Jeff dumped the toter and knocked him back down again. 
The heavy white force-flex trash bags full of diapers kept the struggling boy down on his side just long enough for Daniel to be able to dump the sixth and last full toter of loose diapers into the hopper before starting the compactor. 
As the diaper-avalanche spilled into the hopper all over the diapered boy's body, Daniel hit the packer switch with a fist before lowering the now empty toter. Once the toter was rolled back, Daniel walked over to the last diapered trash, a thickly diapered girl wearing thick and very bulky vintage Huggies Story-Time diapers with number blocks on the taping panel. 
Daniel Newell: Hi there.....(inserting both hands into the girl's arm-pits like the forks on a front-end loader trash truck and picking her up off the ground with her legs dangling in the air before carrying her over to the side of the hopper of the Newell Disposal Lodal Evo semi-automated side loader) ready to go into my...nice hungry diaper trash truck???? 
Thickly Huggies-Diapered Girl: NO! Wait! Please......don't make me go in there with those stinky diapers!!! 

Daniel Newell: Well! Tough! You are trash and I am here to take the Trash away to the.....nice waste-to-energy plant where you and all of these diapers will make us lots and lots of useful electricity! Trashy diapered girls and boys will become good electric energy once I dump the load! Ok.....IN......ya go! Bye-bye little diapered trash! It's packer-time! 
(Pounding the packer button again.) 
Then as the compactor blade pushed the diapered girl into the loads of diapers, Daniel walked to the cab, got in with Jeff standing in the running boads along side the hopper, looking down into the hopper, watching the diapered girl getting her diapered butt smashed against the loose and bagged diapers as her bulky and puffy diaper gets smashed, and then Daniel waves to the cleaning lady as he begins to drive to the next stop. 

Meanwhile........back at the Newell Daycare.......

Diapered Dark-Haired Boy: (Looking down into the packer container full of diapers covering Jack who was laying there.) Why is.......that boy in there? He looks like he....likes it in there!

Misses Newell: Actually.....he DOES like being compacted. I like......seeing what happened to him and the diapers after the compactor cycles run! I LOVE to make sure...that the diapers and the diapered trash get...PLENTY of packing! Looks like......his wet diaper has burst a little near the right leg elastics there.......some of the squishy padding has leaked out! WHEW! Gross! Drop those diapers in there so that I can run a few more cycles........THERE!'s packer......time again!

Misses Newell slides the compactor door closed again and then starts the compactor. It kind of sounds like when you close the door of a dishwasher and start it, only with slightly more whining from the PTO.
Misses Newell left and was about to change diapers on all of the disposees. Two of the disposees were about to be disposed of in the diaper pails.  

Misses Newell: (Walking into the disposee nursery)  

OK......everyone, it's diaper changing time......I am going to start with the two boys, then the two girls before I change the boy and girl in the last two cribs. The last two......are being thrown away after their diaper changes. 

Misses Newell slides the crib side down and then begins grabbing the first boy's legs so to get him positioned for his diaper change, with his legs dangling over the side. 

Misses Newell: OK.....hon, time to....change that wet diaper of yours.......which of the diapers would you prefer? (Showing the boy the selection of diapers) 

First Boy in Crib: Um......I want.......that.....thick white one with the......number blocks in the taping panel. 

Misses Newell: The.....Huggies diaper? Sure......I still have lots of those left. 

First Boy in Crib: those.....last two over in those last cribs, have the piles of diapers in there with them??? 

Misses Newell: Oh.....those? Well, they wanted to keep their wet diapers that I change. They are....their it is time for their disposals, the diapers go into the trash with them. 

First Boy In Crib: Are you....going to save....MY.....wet diapers them? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon, if.....that is what you want.....sure.....I can do least until your disposal.

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes of the boy's diapers then pulls the front of his diaper down. She then grabs some wipes and uses 5 or so to clean the boy before folding the front over the back half of the diaper as she pulls the diaper from under the boy. She sets the folded-over wet diaper aside inside the crib while she opens the back flaps of the Huggies Story-Time diaper before lifting the boy up under his legs while sliding the diaper under him before laying the boy down onto the half opened diaper. Then, misses Newell opens the front half and then lays it across the boy's diapering area before reaching over and releasing the right tape and then fastening it then doing the same for the left tape. 

Misses Newell: There.....ya are hon.....all.....nice and dry. 

First Boy in Crib: How long.....before I get thrown away with my diapers miss? 

Misses Newell: could be a few days to a couple of weeks. I usually try to use up as many diapers as we can before you are put into one of the diaper pails or my kitchen compactor, if your diapers need some.....wetness squeezed out of them before they go to the Waste-To-Energy plant. 

First Boy In Crib: How long have those two at the end been here? 

Misses Newell: They.....both have been here for about a month. The a diaper-tester and the girl.....was a cosmetics test subject. 
They are being thrown away after their diaper changes today. 

Misses Newell closes the first crib then goes to the second crib, lowers the side then positions the sandy bonde haired boy inside so that his legs dangle over the side so she can begin changing his diaper. 
Misses Newell: are you? Does.....your diaper need.....changing? Let me see.....ok? 

Misses Newell inserts her index and middle fingers on her right hand into the leg elastics of the boy's thick and crinkly Luvs Deluxe for boys diaper to feel it for wetness. 
Misses Newell: Yyyep! It is time to change your diaper hon. Do you.....want this diaper or should I take it to the diaper pail? 

Second Boy In Crib: I don't want my diaper. I do....want to save that.....Fitti diaper that you have there! UH! They.....are.....SO soft! 
Misses Newell: Oh......ok....not a problem. Yes.....the Fitti diapers really ARE nice and soft....even.....when extremely wet. I don't blame you there. 
Second Boy In Crib: Where do the diapers go.....after they are thrown away? 

Misses Newell: Well hon, first....they go into one of our diaper pails. 

They stay there until the pail is full. Then I take them out to one of our 96 gallon toters

where they wait until our Newell Diaper Disposal truck comes to take them to the Waste-To-Energy plant where they stay for between 3 to 7 days and get mixed with dry waste. Then a large grapple crane comes down, picks the diapers and other trash up and then loads it into the funnel hopper with other trash. It then only takes about 30 to 45 minutes before everything falls down into the boiler chamber and then turns into ash. 
Second Boy in Crib:'s time for my disposal....will you care what I am doing in the diaper pail? 

Misses Newell: No hon.....I will not. Once any of you are in the diaper pail or in the toters, you....and your diapers are trash. I won't care what happens to you then. 

Second Boy In Crib: Will it matter if my diaper is wet or not when it's time for my disposal? 

Misses Newell: No, afraid not, though I do try to wait until your diaper is wet even a little bit before I throw you and your diaper away. 

Misses Newell completes the second boy's diaper change then takes the wet folded-over Luvs Deluxe for boys diaper with 7 used wipes tucked inside away before putting the boy's legs back in and raising the side up. Then misses Newell went over to the third crib and then lowered the side and pulled the girl out of the crib and had her lay down on the floor in front of her. 

Misses Newell: ready for your disposal hon? 
Let's see what we have here......
Yep! Time to change. This....will be diaper change. Is there a particular diaper or couple of diapers want to wear for disposal? 

Girl from Third Crib: Um.....Yeah......I of the.....thick Fitti diapers, then......I want one of those Huggies Supertrim diapers over it. Then......may....I have my.....plastic pants put on over? 

Misses Newell: Sure sweetie......that isn't going to be a problem.

Misses Newell unfastens the tapes and pulls the girl's diaper down. She then pulls the wet diaper out from under the girl before folding the diaper over and then setting it aside with the other diapers. 
Then she opens the new and clean bulky, thick Fitti overnight diaper 
and lifts the girl up under her knees while skillfully sliding the back half of the thick, soft, bulky Fitti Overnight diaper underneath the girl. Then misses Newell puts the girl's legs down, spreads them open a bit, then she begins to use a bunch of baby wipes to clean the girl's skin off, dropping each used wipe into the new Fitti Overnight diaper. Then Misses Newell grabs one of the thick Huggies Supertrim diapers and opens it up. She then lifts the girl up again and slides the thick, bulky diaper underneath her and then she pulls the front half up between the girl's legs before fastening the tapes. Then.....misses Newell reaches into the girl's diaper bag and takes out a pair of heart ❤ printed plastic pants. Misses Newell then puts each leg into each leg-hole before working the plastic pants up and then over the girl's two very thick and bulky diapers. Then misses Newell stuffs the girl's folded-over wet diaper into the front of the girl's plastic pants.

Girl From Third Crib: Miss? How....come you are putting the wipes into my.....clean diaper? 

Misses Newell: Because hon, you....and this diaper, as well as the one I took off of you.....are going to be thrown away in just a few. It....doesn't matter if the wipes go into the wet diaper or the dry one. They all are going to the same place. 

Girl From Third Crib: Where is that miss? 

Misses Newell: Into one of the diaper pails once I am done changing your diaper hon. 

Girl From Third Crib: No! Please!!! Don't do that! Doesn't the.....cosmetic testing labs still need me? 

Misses Newell: No...sorry. They called yesterday right after you came back and said that they wanted you to be disposed of. They even brought all of the diapers they took off of you too!' to the dirty diaper pail with you I'm afraid. You...and your diapers.....are going to make....lots of nice electricity for us. The....waste-to-energy plant called and asked us for as many of our diapered disposees as we can give them. They have room for a lot of you in the next two weeks. It's time....for your disposal now hon. like to be a good helper and carry your wet diapers to the diaper pail for me? 

Girl From Third Crib: 

Misses Newell: would just be......a lot....easier. Ok.....ready? Which diaper pail.....would you prefer to go into? 

Girl From Third Crib: No......which one do you.....think I should be put into? 

Misses Newell gathers up all of the girl's diapers from her crib and puts them all into a white Glad Force-Flex trash bag and sets it near the girl on the floor. Then she goes and gathers up the bag of used diapers from the Cosmetic Testing facility and then sets that heavy black trash bag next to the white one. 

Misses Newell: (Setting the black trash bag down).......I....think you will best fit into one of our 32 gallon cans outside.'s nice and warm outside. Makes the stink worse though......
Misses Newell grabs the loose diapers and then grabs the heavy white trash bag full of the girl's diapers from her crib in her left hand while grabbing the girl's left hand in her right hand before walking the bag, the loose diapers and the diapered girl outside to the back porch where there are two silver 32 gallon trash cans full of diapers. One contains only the wet diapers and pull-ups while the second can contains only the messy diapers and pull-ups. 

Misses Newell sets the white bag and the loose diapers down, putting the two loose diapers on top of the bag. Then she lifts the metal lid with can locks on them, off and sets it aside. 

Misses Newell: OK.....hon.....time to......get you inside the can. I don't care if you....lay on your.....tummy or your back. It's......time for will be.....right.....back with the bag of your......diapers from the......cosmetic testing facility. I put the lid back on....and the lid-locks on. 

Girl From Third Crib: matter legs won't fit in here? 

Misses Newell: No't. comes.....the.....lid. 

Misses Newell put the lid back on then put the lid-lock back on before going back for the black and heavy bag of the girl's wet diapers from the Cosmetic Testing Facility. 
Inside the can, the girl began to feel her diapers, plastic pants and the used wipes down in the crotch of her thick, bulky, crinkly Fitti Overnight diaper underneath the Thick Huggies Supertrim diapers and the Heart-Print plastic pants as she lay in the wet diaper pail on her back, with her legs dangling over the side of the can.
A few short minutes later, misses Newell came back to the can outside carrying another loose and wet Huggies Supertrim diaper with a lot of powder clumps and a lot of used baby wipes inside as well as the black trash bag full of the girl's wet diapers from the Cosmetic Testing Facility. 
Misses Newell walks out to the porch and over to the can, releases the lid-locks then sets the lid aside again. Then, misses Newell decides to open then pour the diapers from the black trash bag into the silver 32 gallon wet diaper pail. The diapers began to fall out of the bag and land on the girl's diaper and her chest before misses Newell put some of the folded-over diapers on the girl's head and face. 

Girl in the Can: Blah! Yuuuuck! Grrross! Naaaasty! These diapers.....stink! 

Misses Newell: Better get.....used to it! There will be more coming between now and the next few days.  

Girl In The Can: Miss? Miss! put all of these ......wet diapers all like this? (Moving a few aside) 

Misses Newell: I will put there is room,'s in your face. I....don't care what.....happens to you or your diapers now.......that you are in the trash. It's get really, really wet and stinky in there......until it's time to empty the trash into one of the toters. comes the lid! 

Misses Newell puts the lid back on then uses the lid-locks to lock the lid down so it doesn't fall off. The lid begins to put a little pressure on the girl's thighs right above her knees. The girl begins to feel the diapers around her with her hands. They feel cold, wet and somewhat slimy. As the first few minutes go by, the girl can hear birds chirping and squaking as well as the sounds of cars and trucks going by not to mention the sounds of aircraft flying overhead. 
Misses Newell then went back inside to change the last boy that was being thrown away right after his diaper change. Once back inside her chaotic home daycare, misses Newell went to grab a few more Fitti Overnight diapers

and a few more of the Huggies Overnight diapers 
before going right back out to the disposee nursery in the backyard. Once inside, misses Newell lowered the fourth crib's side then helped the boy out of the crib before laying him down on the floor to get his diaper changed. Then, misses Newell grabbed the boy's diaper bag and then grabbed one of the Fitti Overnight diapers as well as a Luvs Deluxe for boys and a Huggies Supertrim diaper 
before coming to sit down on the floor to change the boy. 

Misses Newell: Well.....are.... You....ready for a diaper change sweetie? 

Boy from Crib 4: Did....I hear.....that....I am being.....disposed of after my diaper change miss? 

Misses Newell: (Unfastening the tapes and pulling the front of the boy's diaper down.) and your diapers are being thrown away today. 

Boy From Crib 4: Doesn't the Diaper-Testing place.....still need me? 

Misses Newell: No sweetie. They told me that they would not be needing you any more and that it was up to me how to dispose of you. They DID....however.....leave your leftover clean test-diapers that we have to throw away. I just....hate to....waste perfectly good diapers like this! 

Boy from Crib 4: So.....I wear those....diapers with the balloons 🎈 on them AND......those thick Huggies diapers too???? 

Misses Newell: Yes's better that you have two diapers on since you won't be having your diapers changed any more after this....and it uses up one more diaper. 

Misses Newell pulls the wet diaper out from under the boy, folding it over before setting the diaper on the boy's chest. Then Misses Newell opened the back of the Fitti diaper and then slid the open diaper underneath the boy. Then, misses Newell began to wipe the boy clean one last time with the rest of the remaining wipes (about 16 wipes)
dropping the used wipes into the padding of the Fitti diaper. Then, misses Newell added a whole bunch of baby powder

in front and in back of the diaper before pulling the font of the diaper up and fastening the tapes snuggly. Then Misses Newell opened the thick, bulky Huggies Supertrim Overnight diaper

and then slid it under the boy, and the Fitti diaper. She then pulled the front of the thick Huggies Supertrim diaper up between his legs and then fastened the tapes slightly loosely to allow for the extra room taken from the Fitti diaper. Then, misses Newell reached into the boy's diaper bag and pulled out a large, tall, white trash bag and began to open it. She then removed the perforated corners to reveal some leg-holes with triple elastics at each leg. 

Boy from Crib 4: Miss? that....big bag for????? 

Misses Newell: mean.....this? This for you and the diapers you saved. You and...your diapers will be going into this... custom-made trash bag I ordered. These trash bags are all baby powder scented and have some baby powder in them. 

Boy from Crib 4: Do I.....  HAVE... To go into that bag miss? 

Misses Newell: NO choice! It's it be. Trash....doesn't have a choice how or where it gets disposed of. Now.....let me get this.....bag put on ya......then.....we can start filling it with all of your nice.....wet diapers that you saved. There....sure are.....a LOT.....of diapers in your crib!!! 

Boy from Crib 4: UUUH!!! This and sweaty! 

Misses Newell: Sorry's the's going to up for me......there.....good come over here to your crib while I.....fill your bag with your diapers......there.....stand.....
RIGHT......there.....and don't move......OK? 

Misses Newell holds the back half of the large, white custom diaper trash bag open with her right hand while grabbing handfuls of the boy's saved up wet diapers from his crib. The piles of his saved diapers amount to about two and a half tall kitchen Force-Flex trash bags worth. The custom bag shortly becomes full and Misses Newell begins pulling the Carry handles up around the boy's chest just under his neck. 

Misses Newell: OK hon......time to.....tie the bag closed now......

Boy from Crib 4: It' and stinky in the bag! The......diapers feel....cold and slimy! 

Misses Newell:'re trash now! I don't care what.....happens to you...OR the diapers! It's time to......take the trash out now! the toters you go.....trash! 

Misses Newell ties the carry handles tightly, cinching the bag top around the boy's neck with his head sticking out from the top and his legs and feet sticking out of the leg-holes in each corner then she forcefully guides the bagged boy outside, through the yard and then out to the alley where there are four half-full blue and white toters waiting. 

Misses Newell: OK.....time to.....get into the big can's trash disposal time. 

Misses Newell puts the five-step ladder up against the toter and then makes the bagged and thickly diapered boy climb up the ladder and then lay down onto his back, on top of the loose diapers, pull-ups and plastic pants already inside. The bag around the boy, bunched up and crinkled loudly as Misses Newell lowered the lid with the boy's legs dangling over the front side of the blue toter with the white lid. Then misses Newell took the ladder and then walked back into the daycare. 
Misses Newell had a lot of the usual clients there this day and she called a few of her workers in to assist with all of the regular clients. 
Today......misses Newell had two new disposees coming that wore pre-fold cloth diapers underneath their thick Huggies Supertrim diapers, as a means to add more absorbency to the already thick diapers and the other whom was a rather heavy wetter whom was always double-diapered in layered disposable diapers. 
The boy with cloth diapers underneath his disposable diapers, his mother only uses the cloth diapers once and then throws each one away at each and every diaper change. The boy's mother buys the old rag cloth diapers from a couple of local diaper services. The first one to arrive is the boy with cloth diapers under his disposable diapers and his mother. 

Misses Newell: (Greeting the mother first and then the boy.)
Hello there, welcome to The Newell Daycare. little one???? 

Boy's Mom-Darla: Mike. 
I...brought him here today, as per our....prior phone conversation, because one; we can no longer afford to diaper our little heavy-wetter and two; he will never grow any taller than how tall he is now. He will stay as tall as a two and a half year old. His doctor said that he will never be able to be out of diapers either. 

Misses Newell: We.....completely......understand that from personal experience. Part of what we offer to dispose of your......unwanted diapers and any.....uh hum.......diapered trash. 

Darla: I have the.....fee amount here.....for ya....(Handing Misses Newell a money order for $2,500 ) 
I....also have.....all of his leftover packs of his disposable diapers as well as.....these old rag cloth diapers we have to use in all of his diapers because he pees through his diapers otherwise. You.....can't just use......a regular diaper on him. I took the liberty of pre-making up about......two weeks worth of diaper changes for him ahead of time....each diaper with a clean cloth diaper inside for added absorbency. I throw all of his......cloth diapers away with each diaper change with his disposable diaper. 

Misses Newell: Uh.....Normally......We don't deal.....with cloth diapers here. Since.....we are just.....using them once and throwing them away with the disposable diapers, I will let it....slide. I will make use up all of the diapers you pre-made for him first. After he runs out, we will use double disposable diapers or even triple disposable diapers if necessary. It will help use up two or three times the diapers this way. 

Darla: I....will be RIGHT.....back with four cases of his.....leftover, unused diapers.....

While Darla goes to bring in the cases of diapers, misses Newell takes the very puffy diapered boy over to a playpen and puts him into it. The playpen is usually used for staging disposees whom need to go into the kitchen compactor and fir those whom just arrived. 

Misses Newell: OK go in here for just a little bit, while......your mom and I get you and your things taken care of. Then, I will come and check your diaper to see if it needs to be changed.

Misses Newell then walks over to her desk and begins filling out the custodial paperwork as well as the documents which show how the boy is to be disposed of, and the pernission to dispose of him. 
Darla comes back carrying two large cardboard boxes full of unopened packs of Fitti Overnight diapers which she sets down near misses Newell's desk before going back for the final two cases of Huggies Disney-Designs diapers. 
Darla puts the last two cases down next to the other two boxes then she and Misses Newell talk about the various disposal plans and costs as well as methods. Darla fills the paperwork out, signs them and dates them before paying misses Newell. Then, Darla comes over to the Playpen where her now former thickly diapered son is to say her final good-byes.

Darla: OK sweetie.....Mommy has to go soon. You try and be as good to misses Newell as you can...ok? Mommy is leaving you here with misses Newell who is going to throw you....and all of your diapers, diaper bag, clothing and your stroller away. Mommy and Daddy will never see you again! Misses Newell and her husband will be throwing you away very soon. (Giving rhe boy a kiss on his forehead) Bye-Bye baby.......

With that.......Darla gets up and heads for the door before leaving. 
Misses Newell comes over to the Playpen to see if the new boy needs his diaper changed. 

Misses Newell: (Standing over the low playpen) Well.....Well.....Well. Is it change your diaper? Let me.....see.......(inserting her right hand index finger into the boy's left elastic leg gathers and feeling the inside for wetness.) Yep! Here.....let me help you up and out of there sweetie......

Misses Newell picks the thick and very bulky diapered boy out of the playpen and puts him down onto his feet in front before helping him lie down onto his back on the floor so she can change his soggy, saggy wet diaper. Misses Newell grabbed a Huggies Story-Time diaper,
a Luvs Deluxe for boys diaper,
a bottle of Vanilla scented baby powder, a large container of baby wipes 
then set all of that next to her. 
Once misses Newell was finished changing the boy's diaper, there was a pile of diapers near her that was from earlier when she changed some of the regular daycare clients. As she stood up, she helped the boy back into the playpen and then she tossed all of the diapers into the playpen. 

Just then......a woman in a suit came in with a tall, dark-haired man about 5'9 and 48 years old, and wearing a very thick, blue Northshore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diape and just a white t-shirt. 

Misses Newell: Well Hello there. I see that you are wearing a VERY thick and bulky big-boy diaper. Once it is wet......I will have you change into one of....our diapers. It will need to be modified to fit you though so.....I will get you two diapers, some scissors and some very sticky tape to make them fit you. 
Adam: You tell me that......I have to wear those diapers and not these? What if I leak? I will use up a lot more of those than these.......

Misses Newell: I don't care.......if you use up a lot of diapers, we have plenty. If you need more, we will get you more. 

Adam: I being kept until it's diaper trash day? 

Misses Newell: You......will be put outside into one of our blue toters and you get to stay there until my husband comes to dump the diapers into his rear-loader truck. 
Adam: How come.....all the others get to be in here before they get thrown away miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Because hon, you.....are very big diapered trash. You won't fit into the cans we have in here. to go out to our nice, big, stinky toter

Adam: Will you....smash the diapers down on me when I go into the toter?

Misses Newell: Yeah......most likely......since I like to make sure there is plenty of room for all of the diapers we have to throw in there daily. 

Adam: be bringing some of the diapers out that are being disposed of from the daycare with me when you take me out for disposal? 

Misses Newell: Yes I will. During the course of the day and into the evening too. Lots and lots of nice, wet and stinky diapers! 

Adam: Do I....have a choice if I am disposed of or not? 

Misses Newell: No hun, you don't. You have to be thrown away with the dirty diapers. Here is a modified Luvs Deluxe diaper for you to change you need some wipes? (Handing Adam a modified Blue Luvs Deluxe diaper.) 
Adam: Um....yes Miss Newell. 

Misses Newell: How many hun? 

Adam: Hmmmmm oh about......20 or so will do it. 

Misses Newell hands Adam 20 wipes as she escorts Adam outside to the toter.

Misses Newell: take you out to our.....stinky toter. Come with me hon......

Misses Newell carries one of two full 13 gallon trash cans of diapers from their daycare to the toter.
Then, misses Newell stands nearby as Adam begins to take off his clothing he has on starting with his shoes and socks. Then, Adam takes off his pants and leaves them with his shoes and socks next to the toter. Adam then takes his shirt off and leaves it in the pile next to the toter as Misses Newell brings the second full 13 gallon can of diapers out to the toter.. As Adam is now ready to go into the toter, misses Newell flips the lid open and then helps Adam into the toter. Adam lays down on his back on top of the wet and messy folded over diapers that are already inside. 

The toter is just a quarter of the way full as Adam positions himself inside the toter with his legs dangling over the right side. Then Misses Newell empties the loads of disposable diapers from both 13 gallon cans, into the toter The diapers fall all over Adam! They land in his lap, cover his legs and come up to his chest. 

Adam: (laying on his back inside the toter, looking up at and watching what misses Newell is doing) Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes hon? 

Adam: What......kind of truck will be coming? 

Misses Newell: My husband drives a side-loader truck and he has a lot of daycares on his route. 

Adam: Will he care if I have just my diapers on? 

Misses Newell: No.....he won't. 

Adam: Will he care if my legs dangle over the side of this toter? 

Misses Newell: No.....he won't hon. He will just....dump ya when he gets here. 

Adam: Will.....misses here me being disposed of? 

Daniel Newell: If it’s at our house and our daycare then yes she will be there, probably bring out a few extra fresh diapers she just changed as well. That’s what she normally does. 

Misses Newell: If he decides to run you  inside the box, I’ll watch and wait. If not I have things to take care of inside the house. 

Adam: Daniel? How will it go for the diapers and I on trash day? 

Daniel Newell: I usually get to the house and open the lids of all the toters and let it air out because the smell is horrendous while I go inside and get coffee, see my wife and kids, normally help her change the kids diapers. As well as for you in the toter, I wouldn’t care. 

Adam: the first half of the toter falls into the hopper, you then run the packer. Then as the first half gets pushed into the box, you dump me and the rest of the diapers into the hopper. I say "Whhhhhoah!!!" ......and land into the hopper on top of a lot of diapers. I land with my legs dangling over the edge. Would you let me lay so that my legs are facing the left side of the truck before running the packer? Would misses Newell come out to watch? 
What if I fall into the hopper and there aren't a lot of diapers? Will you wait until the next stop before running the packer? 

Daniel Newell: You could lay sideways which honestly gives you a better chance and if there isn’t many I will wait until the next stop or better yet just go get like 5 daycares before I go to the house so that way it’s like a big stinky fluffy pillow in the truck

Adam: be.....thrown away? 

Misses Newell: Unfortunately, yes.....a government agency mandated that you be disposed of. 

Daniel Newell: You.....are my trash! On.....trash day.....I come up to the toter flip the lids, then go inside for a bit. You.....get to.....sit and wait until I come back out to dump ya! 

Adam: diapers....pop and will I still be alive after you start the packer? 

Daniel Newell: is likely that your diaper will have about a 50% to a 30% chance of living after the packer cycle. O....K....Now.....time to close the lids. Have a NICE time in the....stinky toter! 

Daniel then lowers the first lid Then a few seconds later, the second toter lid next to the one Adam was in comes down and total darkness follows. 
Adam lays down inside the toter on top of the loose, folded-over wet, and messy disposable diapers. As the heat of the day begins fading into the cool of the night, it becomes quiet where the toter is until Misses Newell comes out to empty a lot of diapers of his into the toter around 10:00 am the next day. The cool morning air is quickly fading as Misses Newell raises then flips lid open. Adam looks up as the rush of air comes in.

Adam: Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Yes...hon? 

Adam: Where are all of my...big boy diapers? 

Misses Newell: They will be dumped in there sometime today. 

Misses Newell empties a large  and very full 32 gallon daycare can landing all over Adam's lap, falling around his body and then Misses Newell reaches into the can to unstick a few diapers that their tapes got stuck to the aluminum side. She flings the diapers into the dumpster and they hit Adam in the chest. 

Adam: UH! Miss! 

Misses Newell: Is that modified Luvs Deluxe for boys diaper still nice and comfy? Wet or husband is looking forward to getting you into the hopper. I will watch you and the diapers as you and they get run up into the box....then.....I have other stuff to do. 
Ya know? We are getting three clones that look exactly like you.

Adam: Really? 

Misses Newell: YyyYEP! They are coming from the Diaper Testing Labs. Were you....ever at the labs? 

Adam: NO.....but someone did take some DNA from me a few times.....

Misses Newell: (nodding) That.....explains it......

Adam: When....are you going to....smash the diapers and I? 

Misses Newell: NEVER know.....I may decide to do so when the time comes to...

Adam: How do you do that? 

Misses Newell: I use the bucket of the backhoe. 

Adam: That thing might make ME pop! 

Misses Newell: Yes! That way, you won't be alive when my husband comes to compact you and the loads. 

Adam: But, I have a choice? 

Misses Newell: don't! 

Adam: Miss? Could....I get a couple more of those....Luvs Deluxe Phases diapers Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Uh....NO hon, you will need to stay in the one you have on....I could bring you a couple, the scissors ✂️ and some tape 📼 to modify them....that use up more diapers. I DID promise you that you could change your diapers while you waited....
Adam: Oh....thank you miss Newell. How come.....I have to....change my own diapers though? 

Misses Newell: are old enough and know how.....

Adam: OH......Hey, are...there....any of those....dumpster scavengers that come to scavenge this dumpster? 

Misses Newell: No....Not that I am aware of hon, though.....there could be....and I just haven't seen them.....

Adam: What if.....someone comes and sees me in here and tries to either change my diapers or tries to take me out? 

Misses Newell: Well.....if it's before I pack ya with the backhoe, get lucky.....if it's after....I pack ya, then....unlucky for them! 

Adam: come to pack the diapers and I.....will it the morning, afternoon or evening? 

Misses Newell: I...usually do most of the packing in the afternoons or will know when I come throw in some more diapers and I open both lids. 

Adam: You....sound like you are excited and looking forward to doing this to the diapers and I! 

Misses Newell: This way, You won't be alive and.....moaning and groaning when my husband compacts you. I...also like to see if...your diapers pop or not. 

Adam: But....But.....Please! I wanna feel the compactor miss Newell! 

Misses Newell: OH? You....DO huh? Well.....then, you will feel the pressure of the backhoe bucket! Same thing.....

Adam: When clones coming Miss Newell? 

Misses Newell: Two....are coming today sometime, and the others...this week. 

Adam: Are....any of them short like a toddler? 

Misses Newell: (Surprised that Adam knew this) fact the first two you know? 

Adam: I.....felt them......they ARE a...part of me....How come.....they are that small though? 

Misses Newell: From what I was told, the testing labs needed bodies that were small enough that their diapers would they made clones that could be used to test their diapers then....after they were done, the clones were thrown away.....along with the diapers. We take everything and everyone to the Waste-To-Energy generate electricity 🔌 that we need. We are their trash company anyhow and since I have this daycare, I offered to take all of their cloned test people so we can use them to use up some of our diapers before they are disposed of. Since they have so many of your clones, we will keep each one a week or two before throwing them away. 

Adam: Miss? 

Misses Newell: Yes? 

Adam: What....did you do.....with my....clean packs of disposable diapers? 

Misses Newell: I am bringing them all out later on today, opening each pack then dumping them in there with you. 

Adam: ....and what about my....onesies, footed sleepers and my pajamas? 

Misses Newell: They will join you today too. 

Adam: What do you do if any of my clones come here wearing cloth pre-fold diapers? 

Misses Newell: They will get a disposable diaper put on over their cloth diapers and then taken right out here for immediate disposal or put into the kitchen compactor if they fit. (Emptying a 5 Gallon diaper pail into the dumpster, scattering the diapers around all over Adam) 
Adam: HEY! Not on ME! 

Misses Newell: Tough! It.... doesn't matter where I toss the that.....I can empty more diapers in there! 

Adam: (Trying to scoot back but can't move because there are too many diapers in the way that have tapes that are sticking to the plastic back-sheet of his Modified Luvs Deluxe Phases diapers.) Miiiiiss!!!! Eeeeewww! 

Misses Newell: (Emptying a pail of mostly wet diapers in on top of his chest with a few diapers plopping and a few sliding onto his neck) The .....NEXT pail has YOUR diapers in it! I will go back inside and bring all of your.... leftover packs of disposable diapers and the cloth pre-fold diapers and toss them all in here. 

Adam: PLLLLEEEASE...NO.....Please don't throw my clean cloth diapers in here! OH Miss! Please! 

Misses Newell walks back into the daycare and gathers up all of Adam's clean and dirty cloth pre-fold diapers, onesies and two-piece printed pajamas as well as the leftover packs of his Northshore Care Supply Blue Supreme Overnight diapers 
Misses Newell comes out rolling a large and full 97 gallon blue toter with a white lid filled with Adam's cloth pre-fold diapers 🧷, His leftover packs of disposable diapers, his two-piece printed pajamas, onesie bodysuits, his two fully stocked diaper bags, and then she goes back inside to drag out two of the full 13 gallon trash cans full of daycare diapers. 

Once Misses Newell brings all of the diapers to the already open toter she begins tossing Adam's leftover packs of disposable diapers into the toter.

Once Misses Newell tossed a few of the last unopened packs of disposable diapers in, a couple landed onto Adam's chest and around his neck. 

Adam: OOOOF! Ouch! Hey! 

Misses Newell: being in this....stinky, hot toter? 
I.... can't wait to see you and these diapers run up into my husband's truck personally! 

Adam: No... miss.....I want to get out....but all of these diapers.....are stuck to the back of my diaper and are keeping me stuck here! 
I can barely move! 

Misses Newell: Just wait until I give you and your diapers a good crushing with the backhoe! If you happen to.....survive that.....then it will be a few days before my husband comes to dump you into his trash truck! He likes compacting our trash! I will be operating the packer blade controls when he comes. 

Adam: But, But ....Miss Newell! My....diapers need changed! I am slightly wet and these diapers underneath me have their......tapes stuck to my diaper! 

Misses Newell: Too bad hon, you'll just have to stay like that. Besides, makes it easier to pack you with! 

Adam: When are you going to pack the diapers and I? 

Misses Newell: Oh.....(sighing) probably late today in the evening. I need to make more room in there for more diapers and things. 

Adam: NO! Pllllease! Don't crush me miss! 

Misses Newell: (Rolling Eyes) You don't have a choice hon.....We have to fit more diapers in there! 

Adam: I LOVE how diapers are.....

Misses Newell: (Emptying the bags full of Adam's cloth pre-fold diapers into the toter all over his chest, stomach and Diapered waist) Here! Here are your clean and formerly wet cloth diapers! Enjoy! 

Adam: Ooooh! miss! (Grabbing some) These will feel so nice and comfy while I wait for your husband to come. I know that you and he enjoy watching us and the diapers getting crushed, crumpled up and popped! 
Your husband nearly creams himself watching what happens in the hopper! 

Misses Newell: Yes, we watching your diapers getting crushed! We like crushing you and your diapers..... that's because you and they will generate lots of electricity 🔌 for us. It doesn't matter if it's in his Rear Loader or the side loader truck. The more diapers there are.....the better. I generally like to get as many wet and messy diapers in there as possible so that the Waste-To-Energy Plant will use you and your diapers to generate electricity. 

Adam: taken any of the disposees directly to the Place that makes us into electricity? 

Misses Newell: Yes, My husband and I have.....we have dropped off quite a few actually. 

Adam: What happens at the place when they are dropped off? 

Misses Newell: Well, first, everything gets weighed, and or measured. Then, we pay and then all of the diapers and disposees get dumped out onto the tipping floor in a pile. Then, everything gets scraped into the Large pit for between 4 and 7 days of drying. Then, as you and the diapers are mixed with other trash, you dry out some before the crane operator picks you and a load of mixed trash up and then swings you and everything over to the intake chute where they drop you in. Once you and the diapers get dropped into the intake chute, it takes about 1 to two hours to drop all the way down into the furnace. 
Misses Newell: There were a few disposees and their diapers that the Waste-To-Energy Plant took right away. We watched as the Diapered Disposees and their diapers were dumped into the chute.....very much still alive. The diapered disposee tried to climb out of the chute and sit at the edge of the chute and when the crane operator saw him sitting there, he swung the crane over and knocked him back inside. We went up into the crane operator's room to watch as the Diapered Disposee fell down into the furnace before my husband and I left. That's what we will do with a few of the clones and a few of the diapered disposees we are getting. We can't get rid of them fast enough! We have more coming after that! 

Adam: So ...when your husband comes to empty my diapers and I into the truck, will you the one running the compactor? 

Misses Newell: Oh ....probably.....I will be bringing out a couple more diapered disposees and a few more freshly changed diapers and I WILL....dump them into the hopper with you and hit the packer cycle button. I will stand there and watch until you and the diapers go into the box and then I have other things to do in the daycare. 

Adam: Is.....Daniel going to be around soon? 

Misses Newell: Yep! As soon as he gets done with his route, he will be home. 

Adam: Can you ask him to come bring some more diapers out here so that I can talk with him? I have a lot of questions.

Misses Newell: I will....see what I can do. 
My husband is buying a new trash truck this month, it is an auger and it cuts bigger things down so it fits inside the truck. He says he wants to use it for the daycare and diaper route. 

Adam: Will I.....get to be dumped into that... truck? 

Misses Newell: No, probably not hun, You may go into the. .....side loader or into the rear 
loader. Your clones from the diaper factory will be going into that truck possibly. 

Adam: Miss? Before you go.......could I get you to bring me my leftover clean Wing-fold disposable diapers please? 

Misses Newell: The next time I bring out a load of diapers, I will bring them all out here.....then, maybe it will be time to crush you and these diapers.....
Then, Misses Newell  took the empty pails and brought them back into the daycare. Then. The diaper factory lady and four of Adam's  clones came in the front door. The lady was carrying one of Adam's clones, he was the size of a 1 year old yet could talk like an adult. He was wearing a super thick Plastic-backed diaper factory diaper that had two cloth pre-fold diapers inserted into the zip-lock elastic band in the back of the diaper and it had the padding thickness about as thick as an overnight diaper and a half.
The plastic backing was made of the same materials and thickness as The hefty Contractor black trash bags were only, it was white instead of black. The other two clones, were the size of a short Toddler with Adam's  adult face only the size of the head was toddler sized. They both had the diaper company's thick flushable disposable diapers  on with little heart prints on them with the same thick, crinkly shopping bag plastic that could dissolve in water. The fourth clone was about the size of a 2 year old with chunky short legs and a short and stocky body with a 2 year old sized version of Adam's  adult head. He was wearing a thick disposable diaper with the diaper company's cloth and paper hybrid blend padding inside it. The diaper plastic was 4 Ply contractor's trash bag white plastic with ducks printed all over it.

Misses Newell: Hi, I see that you brought us four more to dispose of. 

Brenda (Diaper Factory Rep) Yes, we have. I have one more in the mini van. ..he is wearing our cloth diapers and plastic pants though.....and I know that he either has to get changed or be immediately disposed of. 

Misses Newell: Yep! Which ever you decide, I will do. 

Brenda: (handing the clone she is carrying over to Misses Newell) Here you are......we will have four more this week if you can handle them. 

Misses Newell: (Taking the clone of Adam into her arms) I am sure we can manage. Hi there hun, your diaper sure seems thick and the plastics seem thick this diaper is very comfy.....and it looks cute on you.

1 year old sized clone of Adam: Yes Miss, it is very comfortable. I like how they feel too. 

Misses Newell: You talk well for a one year old....Why do you have so many blue and Grey stains all over you? 

1 year old sized clone of Adam: I was used to test the absorbency of these diapers and they used dye to see where the leaks were and these Grey stains were from old cloth diapers used as rags that were tossed into the trash cart I was in. 

Misses Newell: Sorry to hear that hun, but, you and your diapers are here to be thrown away. I may have to throw you away in the next few days to make room for the others we are getting. 

Brenda: The one you are holding. Needs to be thrown away almost immediately while the other four can be thrown away at your discretion. That one has products on that are beta versions and he and the products, that I will bring in, need to be destroyed as soon as possible. 

Misses Newell: OH ok.....I see. Well, did you hear that hun? Sorry, I have to throw you away maybe today or tomorrow. 

1 year old sized clone of Adam: But miss! I don't  wanna be thrown away! Where are you taking me? 

Misses Newell: I am.....taking you over to our kitchen compactor where you and your diaper will be crushed. Sorry about this.... (opening the kitchen compactor and sliding it ioen) Would you like to be on your back or your stomach? 

1 year old clone of Adam: My stomach miss. Are..  you going to crush my diaper and I right away once you close the door? 

Misses Newell: No hun, there aren't enough diapers in there yet. Once there are enough diapers in there, I will run a few cycles. Now, I will come empty a few of our diaper pails in there later today. We always have a lot of diapers that need squeezed out before going to the covanta plant. (Closing the compactor door and locking it) 

Misses Newell: O....K.....let's  get the rest of you, into cribs shall we? Come with me. Don't  you all look cute in your thick printed diapers. (Talking to the 2 year old sized clone wearing the thick duck printed diapers) Your diapers look really thick, comfy and shiny. The plastics look familiar too.....stopping for a second to feel his diaper) oh....yeah.....I know that plastic.....we often use contractor trash bags to put some of you in for disposal. 
(Stopping at the first empty crib- crib 2) O....K....which one of you wants to go into this crib? 

Clone of Adam 3: I will miss....

Misses Newell: ya go hun.....

Clone of Adam 3: Is... that diaper pail next to my crib, where I will go for disposal? 

Misses Newell: (Looking at the clone's paperwork) Well, seeing as how you are a very heavy wetter, actually, I am going to put you into our kitchen compactor for disposal. Ok....legs in hun.....there....(sliding the side up and locking it before lowering the locking top that looks like the sides.) 

Then misses Newell walked over to Crib 5. 

Misses Newell: is the crib you will be in until your disposal sweetie. Would you like anything  to drink? 

Clone of Adam 4: Um....yes...may I get some grape juice, some apple juice? 

Misses Newell: Sure right back with your juice.....would you prefer a sippy cup or a bottle? 

Clone of Adam 4: I'm used to bottles miss. That is what they give us at the diaper factory. 

Misses Newell: problem. 

Misses Newell goes to pour the two baby bottles of Grape Juice 🍇 and Apple 🍎 juice for Clone 4, making sure to add the diuretic that made the consumer wet more diapers....
Then, without telling the clone that their is a mild diuretic in his bottles, she brought his bottles to him. 

Misses Newell: Here you....go sweetie....Now....I want those bottles empty as soon as you can....O...K? 

Clone 4: Yes Miss. 

Then misses Newell went back to go get the fifth clone and all of his stuff that Brenda brought in from the mini van. 

Brenda: Well, here is.....the 5th clone.....he... was used in our......cloth pre-fold diaper factory as a quality assurance tester. We often use dye packs to help mark where the leaks happen and how much is leaking. The diapers he has on now, are a two-step diapering system. It's a contoured to fit diaper cover with some absorbency in it used with between four and six layered pre-fold cloth diapers. Now....I know do not use cloth diapers here....nor do you change them. These diapers, can actually be semi rinsed out with the wearer still wearing them. You can simply sit him into the toilet water and then let him soak for oh....between five and ten minutes before flushing can simply just......throw him away immediately. It's  up to you. You own them now. 

Misses Newell: Oh..  O....K.....well....since.... NOT do....anything with cloth diapers, you....and your cloth diapers will go right into one of our diaper pails for disposal. My husband will decide what he wants to do with you once he gets home. 

Clone 5: Miss? 

Misses Newell: Yes??

Clone 5: What if.... I get thirsty? 

Misses Newell: Well, you will just have to wait in the diaper pail until my husband comes home. He owns you now and he gets to decide what happens to you. Ok.....come....with me now....(taking the clone 5 by his right hand in her left hand and leading him reluctantly over to one of the taller, black swivel-top trash cans full of disposable diapers. ) go......(lifting him up and laying him across the opening with his legs dangling over the side before putting the lid back on. ) 

Clone 5: Miss???

Misses Newell: Yes? 

Clone 5: What If my diaper snaps come off on one side? Will you snap them back up?

Misses Newell: No....I won't. It doesn't matter if your diapers stay on or not. I don't  care what happens to you in there! better stay in there or I will need to put you outside into one of the bigger daycare trash cans with locking metal lids....ok? 

Clone 5: O...... k!!!! Gees! 

Misses Newell only had four more places to put more disposees before she was going to have to start putting some outside directly into the last two toters and the rear load dumpster. Brenda told Misses Newell in a text that she was needing to bring over six more disposees in various types of diapers.....Misses Newell  scrambled around to make places for all of them. Misses Newell also texted back to see if the diaper company had any old playpens that they no longer needed and as a matter of fact, they did. Brenda texted back and said she would bring the four Playpens over with the six disposees. 
Relieved a bit, Misses Newell went outside to the backyard to make some spaces for the playpens under some shaded area. Then, she went back inside to change some more diapers for her regular daycare clients. After about 35 minutes of changing various diapers, there was now a relatively large pile of mostly wet diapers, wipes and a torn onesie bodysuit that was being thrown away. 
Misses Newell begins gathering up all of the folded-over diapers and puts them all into the diaper pail that clone 5 is in. 

Clone 5: Ooof! Uh! Gees! Those diapers sure are wet and heavy! 

Misses Newell pushes down a little bit to make some room in the diaper pail. 

Clone 5: HEY! Quit it! 

Misses Newell: I have to make more room in there for all of these diapers hun. I still have more diapers to change too. 
Clone 5: Miss! Heeeeey! The wetness is getting all....OVER me! 

Misses Newell: doesn't matter what happens to you.....wait till you and the diapers go into my compactor! 

Clone 5: Miss! How much longer do I have here? 

Misses Newell: OH, until the compactor is emptied.....

Clone 5: How.....long....will THAT be? 

Misses Newell: Maybe.....a day or so.....

Clone 5: But, but, but.....I....don't  wanna be thrown away! Can't  I ....just.....get adopted or something??? 

Misses Newell: No....afraid not. You are property of the Diaper Company and they brought you here so that you could be disposed of! My husband owns you now....I have to do what he says he wants done with you. He said that he wants all of you from the Diaper Factories to go into the compactor for a bit until it is time to take everything out before trash day. 

Clone 5: What about....all of my....leftover Dosposable Diapers from the Diaper Factory?

Misses Newell: Those? They have to be disposed of I am afraid. They are beta products and the diaper factory wants them disposed of. 

......meanwhile......on Daniel Newell's daycare route......

Daniel waves to the cleaning lady as he begins to drive to the next stop. The next stop is a daycare five miles away from the last one. It is a home daycare for special needs Migets and a few of the Diaper Service Test Clones that get dropped off at this daycare for eventual disposal, similar to that at the Newell Daycare. The Janitors always had diapered trash waiting for the truck to arrive. Usually between three and six....depending on the week. The daycare had ordered use of six blue and white toters for all of the large amounts of clean, leftover packs of diapers as well as all of the wet and messy diapers they threw out not to mention the few diapered trash that ended up in two or three of the toters. This week, there were three disposees in three of the six toters with the remaining three over-filled with the lids slightly sticking up, full of bagged and loose diapers. One disposee was in toter 1, the other was in toter 3, and the third was in toter 6. 
There were four disposees waiting with two of the Janitors, two men, Joe and Jay. The cleaning ladies were inside cleaning and loading the diapers and a few more disposees into a row of 6 larger sized, custom-made kitchen compactors that some of the disposees end up in as well, when their diapers need more squeezing out. 

The disposee in the 1st toter was a clone of Adam, he was a two year old sized midget clone with a slightly smaller head size than the original counterpart. The clone had been made this size in a lab. He was wearing Huggies Thick diapers with thick booster pads inside that were very, very swollen. 
The toddler sized clone of Adam was laying on his back with his legs dangling just over the front side of the toter with four large white force-flex tall kitchen trash bags on top of him that were full of his own wet diapers, wet and dirty onesie bodysuits, two-piece printed pajamas,  and his footed sleepers. His diaper bags were tossed in the second toter along with the leftover packs of his Overnight diapers. 
The Clone had been nearly fast asleep when Daniel Newell's truck pulled up to the rows of toters. The clone vaguely heard a loud engine idling nearby and was too tired to wake up and be curious. Then, suddenly, the toter began to move, the bags and loose diapers he was laying on began to jiggle, wiggle like jello-jigglers.....(say...THAT 5 times fast!!!) 
Then the lid flew open and briefly, sunlight flooded into the toter. The smell of wet and messy diapers was very, very strong as the toter was quickly hooked to the tote-tipper. Then, as Daniel was talking with Jeff as they grabbed toters and rolled them to the side of the hopper, the first toter was suddenly dumped over, causing the diapered clone to fly into the hopper and land hard on the warm, smooth, metal hopper floor onto his hands and knees with a thud as the heavy, loads of wet and messy, loose diapers and bags of diapers, onesies, and other trash, including pieces of fruit, papers, tissues, plastic packaging from empty diaper packs and empty wipes packs. The wads of used wipes that had been stuffed into his left leg elastics and the other wads of used wipes, some pieces ofwatermelon, and leftover strawberries,were all stuffed down the elastics in back of his diaper and the wipes were sticking out some. There was some diaper gels and padding matted into the top of his head and down the back of his head making his hair stick together. Daniel knew that the clone had been through a kitchen compactor because some of the loose wet diapers and pull-ups had burst and looked like they had ruptures in the plastic-backing. 
The clone found himself in the hopper suddenly on his knees, hurting a tad from hitting the hard metal hopper floor. He looked up just in time to see another toter-load flying into the hopper, hitting him and knocking him down onto his belly with his legs sticking up. 

Toddler Clone of Adam 1: Ooooof! Ouch! Ooooof! Ouuuuch! Heeeeey! What.....happened???? 
Hey... Mister? this???

Daniel Newell: where the trash my truck! You...belong to me now until I get you and everything to the nice...people at the Covanta Waste-To-Energy plant. Get..  ready, I am about to start the packer cycle! 

Daniel Newell punches the start button with his gloved fist and then goes to grab the next toter while Jeff brings the third toter over to the side of the hopper, flips the lid open and hooks it to the tote-tipper. Then he activates the tote-tipper and the disposee and all of the diapers and trash gets flung into the hopper on top of the moving compactor blade. The second clone of Adam finds himself landing onto the compactor blade along with everything in the toter. The second clone, about the size of a one year old only biologically engineered in a lab to be fully adult, is wearing a Medium sized HUGGIES THICK disposable diaper 

with Sposie Brand booster pads inside, making his diaper so thick, he can barely walk! The Daycare threw away all of the leftover opened packs of diapers he had because  they had no more room to store them along with his cloth diapers, onesie bodysuits, stroller,  diaper bags with everything still inside,  

Clone of Adam 2:Whooooaaaah....OOF! Uh! Ouch! MAN! My...clean diapers!!! My...diaper bags! 

Jeff: All...trash man, just! Daniel and I love watching diapers and trash being crushed! 

Clone of Adam 2: YOU two are going to watch me getting smashed???

Jeff: Yyyep! And we LOVE it too! We LOVE what the packer does to everything!!! Especially when your diapers pop and get everywhere! 

Clone of Adam 2: (sliding backwards along the top of the now slowly retracting compactor blade with his diaper plastic being slowly scraped against the surface of the blade) My.. diaper is going to... pop??? You mean to tell me, LOVE watching my diapers burst? 

Daniel Newell: (Trading places with Jeff to empty another overfilled toter spilling some loose diapers on the ground)! You might pop too after the container gets fuller. First, your diapers will burst, splattering all over the loads, then later, you may! get lucky, you may get pushed upwards where the pressure isn't  as bad....and if that happens, you may end up still alive when we dump you at the waste-to-energy plant. 

The compactor blade fully retracts as The Clone of Adam 2 drops down into the hopper falling onto his hands and knees then falling to his left side with his head facing the right side of the hopper and his front side facing the compacted loads inside the container. 

Daniel Newell: Here...comes more....stinky diapers and trash!!! 
Daniel tips the toter and the avalanche  of flying heavy white force-flex trash bags full of diapers and the loads of loose wet disposable diapers,  as well as some more opened,  leftover packs of disposable diapers 
as well as a lot of loose, unused, clean disposable diapers 

Clone of Adsm 2: uuuuuuh! Oooof! Uuuuuh! Uh! Uh! Oooof! Uuuuuh! 
(Once the diapers settled Around his body and head) Hey! These packs of diapers are....MINE! 

Daniel Newell: Now.....they are ...mine and so. .are you! It's...PAAACKER tiiiime!

Clone of Adam 2: No! Please! Noooo! Don't...crush me! 

Daniel Newell (Punching the packet button with his gloved fist) Bye-Bye little diapered trash!!! Hurry up and get that....nice, squishy diaper smashed! We're.....watching.....

Clone of Adam 2: Nooooooooo.......Waaaaaaait......uuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!! Moooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!!!
As the compactor blade began to advance, pushing and scraping all of the diapers across the hopper floor, causing diapers to bunch up, crumple and roll as they traveled under pressure and force, into the container and against all the other diapers and diapered trash already inside. The clone's diaper began to bunch up and get other diapers bunched up and crumpled up against the plastic-backing wrapped around his bloated, squishy, diapered butt. As more and more pressure was applied by the compactor blade,  some of the wetter diapers began to ooze wet diaper padding like old mashed potatoes squished slowly between two red bricks.....the clone's own wet diaper began to ooze wet padding now, after a bubble formed in the plastic backing and then popped right above his left butt cheek! The bubble burst and wet padding splattered into his hair, all over the hopper, and up his back as the slimy cold wetness was pressed against his entire body. 
The pressure caused the clone to get his head shoved into a pile of his own wet, formerly wet, and clean cloth pre-fold diapers as well as a bunch of his old, stained, ripped onesie bodysuits as they in turn got pressed up against and crumpled up against large white force-flex trash bags which had now popped open and had diapers spilling out. The clone's face was forced into the gaping hole 🕳 in the bag and then against all of the wet and messy diapers inside. He couldn't breathe for a few seconds until the packer blade began to retract. After the blade retracted, the clone attempted  to sit up but was knocked back down again by another load of diapers from another toter. 
Clone of Adam 2: Uhhhhhhhhhh!!! What.....happened! (Looking down at his diaper and seeing that it burst in the back) Uuuugh! My.....diaper....burst!!!! 
Brrrrr!!! It's  a little cool! (Looking at his chest and feeling his now matted hair) Eeeeewww!, my...back and chest have....wet diaper slime all over them! 

Daniel Newell: Yyyep!! It watching your diapers pop! Here comes a lot more.....(activating the tote-tipper and flinging the loads of diapers into the hopper.) 

Clone of Adam 2: Oooof!!! Uhhhh! Uh! Uh! Smack! Thwack! Ooooof! Crinkle,  Crinkle,  crinkle!!! Eeeeew! These diapers stiiiink!!! 
That.....pressure sure...was a...LOT! 

Daniel Newell: Yyyep! It....surrre was! Just..wait...son! The truck isn't even full yet! You think...that.....was a LOT? You....haven't...seen ANYTHING.....YET! 

Clone of Adam 2: What will happen to me once rhe truck gets full mister? 

Daniel Newell: OH.....your.....diapers may pop, you will most likely either passout or die before we get to the waste-to-energy plant. 

Clone of Adam 2: What if...I am still alive when we get to the plant? 

Daniel Newell: They won't care! They'll scrape you and the diapers into the pit, mix you with other trash and dry you out some before loading you into the intake chute. Sometimes, they take the diapers right away!

Daniel empties another toter full of diapers into the hopper that nearly fills the hopper; Daniel hits the compactor button and the compactor blade begins to advance. 

Clone of Adam 2: Noooooooo! Pllllllease! Uuuuuuuuuu!!!! 

Daniel Newell watches as the compactor cycle pushes in hard then as the compactor cycle retracts. Then Daniel empties another full toter of diapers and related trash into the hopper. Then Jeff rolls the last toter over and hooks it to the tote-tipper then dumps the loads of diapers into the hopper then puts the empty toter back before jumping onto the running boards and grabing the handle as the truck lurched forward and drove to the next stop. The next daycare is a home daycare with a usual amount of 4 overfilled toters and between four and eight disposees each week. Miss Avery always brought out a few for disposal to be certain they were dumped into the hopper. Miss Avery was the director of a daycare that had it's own incinerator used for certain types of waste that neither facility accepted. She brought out disposees this week to wait with her until the trash truck came.
Clone of Adam 10: Miss? Hey miss? that......noise I hear? 

Miss Avery: Come let me see you! I....hear the....trash truck coming!!! Here......I am going to stuff a bunch of these....wipes down into the front of your diaper and try to...fill up the space. Miss Avery grabs over sixty loose wipes from the trash carts behind her with the maids waiting for the trash truck to pull up. Miss Avery stuffs a ton of the wipes down the front of the clone's diaper then she takes a wet Luvs Phases for boys diaper and stuffs it down the front of the clone's white, crinkly disposable diaper. 

Clone of Adam 10: Miss! HEEEY! stop it! Quit it!!!

Miss Avery: NO! You....and your diapers ...are trash! YOU and they are all going to the same place.....the nice.....trash truck when it comes! 

Clone of Adam 10: WAIT! I...wasn't just...cloned by guy to just get used to test out diapers at some....disposable diaper factory.....only to get thrown away when they no longer need me! 

Miss Avery: (As the Blue and White Lodal Evo Diaper disposal truck pulls up) WERE! 
The company assigned you to stay with us while you were in service to them. Once they made another clone, they no longer needed you and were MADE by their labs, you...were their "property" to do with as they saw fit! are about to belong to the...nice trash men......Hi a couple of our test clones for you.....

Daniel Newell comes over to miss Avery to get the diapered clone over to the side of the truck. The clone is resisting and digging his bare heels into the grass as Daniel forcefully drags his feet into a forced walk over to the side of the truck. 

Clone of Adam 10: Noooooooo! Noooooooo! Let.....GO of me! I....don't...WANNA go in there! 

Daniel Newell picks the heavy man up and tosses him into and onto the loads of diapers already in the hopper. 

Daniel Newell: Tough shit son! You are...trash! the hopper....boy! It's....packer ......tiiiime! 

Daniel Newell runs the packer cycle and as the clone struggles to sit up, his diaper begins to buckle and bunch up between his legs, with the wet disposable diaper and over 60 used wipes stuffed down the front of his diaper, the compactor begins to force some of the wipes out through the clone's left leg elastics.
The clone's wet disposable diaper that was stuffed down the front of his diaper, is now starting to be forced down further into the crotch of rhe diaper as it gets forced out though the left leg elastics on his way into the rear packer container. As the cycle continued, the clone and some of the diapers got forced up and fell down onto the compactor blade as it reached it's pinnacle pressure. Then as the compactor blade retracted, the clone and the loose diapers slid along the top of the blade before falling back into the now semi empty hopper. Jeff emptied the second full trash toter into the hopper then set the empty can back down before wheeling it back into it's place while Daniel emptied the first full toter into the hopper. 

Clone of adam 10: Mister, hey...Mister, May....I...get out please? 

Daniel Newell: No! You have to stay in there! You belong to now! taking the ....nice, hot waste-to-energy plant! Don't worry though son, you....won't be in my truck for too long! This is our second to last stop for today. running the compactor a few times along the way to the WTE plant! 

As Jeff emptied the third full toter of diapers, diaper packaging, onesie bodysuits, old ragged cloth pre-fold diapers, diaper covers, all-in-one cloth diapers, and some old stained up, slightly torn t-shirts and some old toddler and 6T sized clothing, along with opened leftover packs of disposable diapers, wet and messy disposable diapers, Daniel went to grab the next toter which was full of just loose, clean and formerly wet cloth pre-fold diapers. 
Daniel hooked the toter up to the tipper then activated the tipper. The cloth diapers got flung into the hopper making a huge pile in the hopper. Clone of Adam 10 got cloth diapers and disposable diapers rained down all over him. 

Clone of Adam 10: Miiister!!!! Plllllease.....pllllease let me out! I don't wanna be in here! 

Daniel: (Rolling eyes) Uuuh! sorry! Tough! You're trash! 

Clone of Adam 10: going to....happen to my diapers and I??? 

Daniel Newell: Well, First....I am gonna crush ya....then, I'll take ya and your...diapers to this place that burns everything for electricity. You and everything in my truck will get used to generate electricity. 

Clone of Adam 10: You are going to....crush me? 

Daniel Newell: Yes.....the....hopper isnt quite full enough yet to run a cycle, until we get to the next stop. Don't worry though son, the next stop is an easy one. they only have three toters full of diapers. Then, I will run the compactor. 

Then, as the last of the four toters was emptied and put back, Daniel waved to miss Avery as he hopped back into the cab and began to drive the five miles to the next stop. It was windy as the trick drove along the streets, through traffic, some of the drivers looked into the hopper of the trash truck, seeing Clone of Adam 10 sitting there in the hopper full of diapers. 
Soon, the truck turned right then drove to a four-way stop. It let a couple of cars go before it began to turn left. The truck drove for a couple of blocks before it pulled over to the right next to the curb where three full toters were positioned in a neat row. The truck stopped in front of the row as both Jeff and Daniel jumped out of the Lodal Evo MSL cab so each man could drag a full toter over to the side of the hopper. The first toter had loose Pampers Baby-Dry size 5 and 6 diapers along with Pampers Pull-ups in it. Jeff dragged the full can over to the hopper, a few spilling out onto the street next to the curb. Jeff nor Daniel cared if diapers or trash fell out because there was a street sweeper that came along their same route and would come along and sweep up anything that fell out of their trash truck, including diapered disposees. Daniel usually liked to have the disposees either given a special drug that paralized the disposees from the waist down so that they couldn't run away or at least be so weak and relaxed that there wasn't much fight in them. On his service form, he made a provision within the text stating that the disposees must not be able to resist too much, either they had to be nearly asleep or tired enough that when the truck came, and it was time to load everything, they didn't have to fight the disposees. Miss Harper, at this daycare, made sure that her disposees were plenty relaxed by having the disposal prep-techs make the disposees climax, if they were capable, until they could no longer which would wear them out and make them sleepy, or she would give them a dose of a special drug that paralized them from the waist down if climaxing wasn't available. She liked to have her disposees either put into the toter at least a day ahead of time or brought out to the truck on trash day. Today, miss Harper had her disposal prep-tech bring out two last-minute disposees. A girl wearing thick, bulky, crinkly Vintage Luvs Deluxe Phases for girls with little rose prints on them

 and thick layered Sposie booster pads inside because she was a super-soaker, with at least two and a half packs worth of used wipes stiffed down the front and back of her diaper, which were now sticking out from the front, back, and the right-hand leg elastics around her right thigh,  who had been used to test the absorbency at a lab called SGS. SGS frequently tested disposable diapers using mannequins and simulated pee-like chemicals. Occasionally they used a real person to test diapers for quality, absorbency and durability in real-life cir-cum-stances. When the labs were finished with the test subjects, they sent the subjects to a government controlled and funded special daycare program that would keep them just long enough to get disposed of each week when the Newell Trash Service truck came to collect everything. There was also a boy clone of Adam 44, wearing thick, Vintage Luvs Super Baby Pants diapers (Circa 1985)

 which resembled Attends adult diapers with Waistband elastics (Circa 1996-2013
His already thick, bulky plain white, hour-glass shaped diapers had four layered Sposie diaper doublers inside them

to keep his diapers from leaking. The clone of Adam 44 stood out with the tech waiting for the truck to arrive 

and as it did,  Jeff jumped down and began dumping the first toter then running the packer, Daniel went over to the tech to take the girl and the clone over to the side of the truck for disposal. 

Daniel Newell: Just....these two? 

Daniela-Daycare Disposal Prep-Tech: Yyyep! They...are ALL....yours. 

Daniel Newell: (Taking the clone first) Alright son, come.....with's....trash time! 

Clone of Adam 44: Waaaaaait! Hold....ON! 

Daniel Newell: Nnnope! You're trash! My hungry trash truck is going to eat you and your stinky diapees! (Getting the clone to the side of the Newell Disposal Lodal Evo MSL Special Collections truck and helping the clone into the truck's hopper) O......K....there......Stay.....while we finish loading the rest of the diapers and the...uh...girl....don't...make me run the pre-crusher! 

Daniel walks up the slight hill and gets the girl and walks her down the hill to the side of the trash truck. The girl's diaper crincled loudly as she was forcedully escorted over to the side of the truck. Jeff had started the compactor and it was still in forward motion as Daniel brought the girl over to the truck. 

Lindsey: (Diapered Girl in Stuffed Luvs Deluxe Phases For Girls diaper) Oh....come....on....dont put me in there....pllllease? 

Daniel Newell: (Lifting the girl easily into the hopper on top of the now retracting compactor blade along with a bunch of loose Luvs, Pampers, & Huggies diapers. 

(What do you get when the Goo-Goo Dolls open for Lady Gaga? Customers who go Goo-Goo-Gaga over your products!) 
(So, Don't loose Hope, This should make a lot of sMiley faces! OH the Celebs are SO..."Pampered!!!" )
(The PAMPERED Saudi Royal Life!!!!) 


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