His Royal Highness, Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed is "Like a Chocolate-pepperMint flavored Zima, I am "Zomething Different"

Now....HERE is a Box of Diapers people will go....GooGoo-Gaga over!!! 
Zomething Different to get you to...Think Outside....the box!
Of ALL...of the Singing Celebrities, at least THIS woman is...the Parent's Choice to go #Gaga over! 

As you can see......
His Royal Hiney, Prince Adam "Bin" Alwaleed (Buuuuahahhahahahahaaaaa!!!!!) 
Strives to be....LESS......like anyone else in the world and MORE like "Zomething Different." Being....BRIGHTLY different is exactly what the world NEEDS right AT the exact TIME it needs it! 
I...am changing MORE than just.....diapers out here!!!! I...am a Change Maker! I have changed the Funeral Industry, by convincing those at the top, to research how burning corpses, (which is already done) generates BTUs of heat AND generates useful and VERY necessary Electricity that coming up so fast in this...."Quickening" going on here, we will be needing not ONLY more valuable Real Estate,, land which would have become secret body burial grounds, and graveyards, especially during this....Planned-Demic, also electrical power.....to run more of our AI Robots, Servers, Power Homes and Businesses, using sustainable and clean energy with efficiency. 

I figured......since Katy Perry, Orlando BloomMiley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus,  Swizz Beatz, and a slew of other Celebrities are all confirmed Sociopathic Narcissists, I would simply call it as It actually IS.....They are all...."Pampered Celebrities", even quite literally as in the case of Miley Cyrus being a known Adult-Baby and Diaper-Lover
In....case some of you were unaware, some of the Singing Celebrities have to wear Diapers because of the long performance sets they are Forced to go through! Yes, Even these so-called Popular Artists have to know how to read music and how to play what they read because......their so-called HITS, are written by some "Ghost Writer" whom gets paid by the record company contracts to write for each artist! I....personally wouldn't call this....Being an Artist! I would call it....Being a trained Organpipe Monkey! Anyone who can read music, sing and play an instrument can BE famous! Oh big....deal! Fame....is an addiction.....and it relies on the approval of others......fueling insecurities (which gives Security Guards plenty of cause for contractual business!!!) 

Now....BEING.....Famous is NOT...bad.....NOR is being Wealthy! It IS....however, HOW you become wealthy and famous as well as how you USE your wealth and fame. Same thing can be said about Firearms! Guns don't KILL people, it's the Sociopathic Nacissists, the Phychopaths with guns who are Criminal Minds to begin with.....that do! 
It IS one's particular mindset......the...state of mind, that will MAKE you....and break you! NOT.....what others THINK of you.....or what they SAY about you! It IS.....what YOU......think about YOURSELF, What YOU say about yourself that co-creates your direct reality! I have endured a shit-ton of Sociopathic Narcissistic attempts to "Bring Me Down" and EVEN had them use their.....Go-to Child Molester game that they tried to run on people like Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, and so many others all because......THEY....became Too Powerful and wealthy enough to effect Change in the music industry, the Movie Industry, and TV! 
As we all need to know, TV, Movies and EVEN Rap, (C-Rap!!!) SOME Rock (C-Rock) Pop (Plop!!!) are all shitty quality sounds and lend themselves to hidden messages via Frequency Generation within the songs themselves, to force you, the listeners to think and feel in ways that Certain individuals WANT you to.....See? THEY.......want you at a LOW frequency.....so to keep you asleep, as a flock sleepy-sheople, whom have Sheephearders as masters! 
(Now WHO is the....Master Debator in the flock? What-The-Flock???!!!!) Take Churches (Not the Chicken place) Mosques, synagogues, and Chapels
The lead speakers, usually refer to the attendees as.....Their Loyal Flock. These fake Leaders, tell you what to believe, what to think, and in what contexts to do so! 
What? I...am giving them...MONEY....that first of all, is getting more and more difficult to keep, because JOBS pay so little that you end up paying over 70% of your total incomes to Rent, then comes;
Car Payments, Phones, Gas, Food,necessities, and what....do you have left? Nearly pocket change!!! Give....THAT....to some...idiot trying to run MY life? Not......a chance in......HELL! 

If..I wanted to.....I....could post My Father, His Royal Highness, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on the cover of a Disposable Diaper Package
and post it here! HE.....can't do anything about it! WHY??? OH....that....unalienable, pesky 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution! I even have my First Amendment rights to ensure this if necessary not to mention The Unalienable, Constitutionally Protected Right of REVOLUTION on my side coupled with Sovereign Level Diplomatic Immunity Status to keep me out of the clutches of All Forms of Law Enforcement on ANY Criminal Basis!!!! 
See? Sociopathic Narcissists just LOVE laughing at things that make fun of others! MY theory is....that Cousin Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will LAUGH his ASS off, have to use Gorilla Glue & Gorilla Tape to put his ass back on with (Since it so easily falls off when laughing....Buaaaahahaahhahahahahaha! lol!!!! I guess asses aren't...MADE like they ised to! ROFLMAO!

See? As my heading says.....I...am like a Chocolate-PepperMint Flavored Zima, "Zomething Different!" 
Fake People can't fathom me, let alone handle how I am! I mean.....HOW can a person with a Negative mindset, whom....speaks into fruition every five minutes or so, fluid negativity, have.....anything less than lack???? 
Know that.....cold breath of minty air that you experience with a York Peppermint Pattie??? Now...imagine that......in a drinkable form? ME! A Breath of Fresh Air.....a Vacation from the USUAL! 
Example: Everyone.....drives a Tesla, a Honda, A Chevy, a Ford, A Dodge, or whatever.....the factories turn out! They are ALL....the same in a lot of ways! There are ONLY a certain amout in White, Red, Blue, Green, Black, Silver, and even Brown! 
Look down onto a freeway.....It looks like a heard of the same cars repeating in patterns! 
I....want to drive vehicles that NOT ONE soul on this planet...has! I.....want to live in homes that....NOT A SOUL has a carbon-based copy of!!!! So what if I need a part when something goes wrong! I make four part copies of every part of my vehicle so that I have a spare when I need one! I Quit Living in FEAR 
some....time ago! I also QUIT listening to the Opinions of OTHERS!!!! 

'When the pigs try to get at you.....

park it like it's hot, park it like it's HOT!" -Snoop-dog

The Ironic thing here is.....I recite the above to the Sociopathic, Narcissistic, Corrupt, Pigs AND I tell them that "I Have Sovereign Level Diplomatic Immunity Status and The IDIOT captain of the City Heights Division of SDPD tried desperately to do his worst! He was literally AFRAID of me, SO Afraid, that he had to call in two more of his corrupt bully minions! I then told all three of them, I am like the MC HAMER song; ...."And You Can't Touch This!" The Corrupt Captain texted his "Diplomatic Immunity Guys" and they ran a check on me.....It came back only a few minutes later and indeed I DO have it! 
Buahahahahahahaha! I THEN told the three PIGS to their faces while pointing my index finger at them; I outrank all of you!!! I can arrest all of you, bring you three to Los Angeles to the Saudi Arabian Embassy, and drop your corrupt asses off as my international prisoners due to the Egregious Violations of The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Articles 29-31!!! (NOT to mention a few other articles) and once there, you three can explain to the Saudi Government why you were ignorant of the International Law! 
I....have.....been blessed with an unusual array of varying GIFTS! ONE of my many gifts, is my uncanny ability to...make both men AND women Cum during intense climaxes without so much as even touching any part of them!!! Oh.....YEAH! As ONE blonde Findlay, Ohioan woman found out....over the phone, Just TALKING to her with my "Big words" (to her it was like a BIG penis) made her horny...my intellect and Intelligence made her cum! 
I wasn't even talking dirty to her at all! She just....started saying "mmmmmhm, mmmmhmmmmm, yyyeah, uhuh, mmmmmhmmmmm and soon....she started....climaxing multiple times as I was telling her of my recent adventures! DAAaNG! I KNEW there were consumers of the SapioSexual, SigmaINFJMale Chosen one BUTT, this...was too....well....intensely exciting for ONE lady! 


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